We know that among all the biggest fashion magazines, the most discussed but also the most beloved is and will be forever the Bible: Vogue.
Indifferently by country of publication, Vogue obtains the most success with a proven interactive structure that starts from the classic monthly magazine to get a whole series of events and initiatives related to it, that increase loyalty and stimulate the interest of fashion victims but also who finds himself leafing through its pages casually.
The latest news (though isn't a news) is the announcement of the launch of a new book signed by Vogue, dedicated to who increases the success of the magazine and of the fashion business with their work: the models.
Today the models are no longer those typical elegant women without identity in the atelier of the '50s maisons, they have become true icons and as such carry exponentially the viewer's attention to a particular must-have or a new style. Gianni Versace made them stars 'cause he understood their importance with media and did begin the topmodels' era, transforming fashion models like Naomi Campbell or Cindy Crawford in timeless muses. Now Vogue celebrates not only their beauty (essential) but also the attitude and their individual creative contribution in a sort of photographic book that immortalizes and tells them, from Lisa Fonssagrives to Agyness, from Claudia to Karen Elson.
Indifferently by country of publication, Vogue obtains the most success with a proven interactive structure that starts from the classic monthly magazine to get a whole series of events and initiatives related to it, that increase loyalty and stimulate the interest of fashion victims but also who finds himself leafing through its pages casually.
The latest news (though isn't a news) is the announcement of the launch of a new book signed by Vogue, dedicated to who increases the success of the magazine and of the fashion business with their work: the models.
Today the models are no longer those typical elegant women without identity in the atelier of the '50s maisons, they have become true icons and as such carry exponentially the viewer's attention to a particular must-have or a new style. Gianni Versace made them stars 'cause he understood their importance with media and did begin the topmodels' era, transforming fashion models like Naomi Campbell or Cindy Crawford in timeless muses. Now Vogue celebrates not only their beauty (essential) but also the attitude and their individual creative contribution in a sort of photographic book that immortalizes and tells them, from Lisa Fonssagrives to Agyness, from Claudia to Karen Elson.
The most charming and seductive women of magazines and redcarpet will be the protagonists of "The Faces of Fashion: VOGUE MODEL.", written by Vogue UK's creative director Robin Derrick, available from October 7th, 2010.
I want it! Since the october 14th is my birthday I'll give it to me!
I want it! Since the october 14th is my birthday I'll give it to me!

Noi sappiamo che, tra tutte le grandi riviste di moda, la più discussa ma anche la più amata è e sarà sempre la Bibbia: Vogue. Indifferentemente dal paese di pubblicazione, Vogue riscuote il massimo successo grazie ad una collaudata struttura intereattiva che parte dal classico mensile per arrivare a tutta una serie di eventi e di iniziative a questo legate, che ne incrementano la fedeltà e stimolano l'interesse dei fashion victims ma anche di chi si ritrova, per caso, a sfogliare le sue pagine.
L'ultima novità (che poi non è di certo una novità) è l'annuncio del lancio di un nuovo libro firmato da Vogue, dedicato a chi con il suo lavoro, incrementa il successo del magazine e quello del fashion business maggiormente: le modelle.
Le modelle oggi non sono più quelle donnine eleganti ma senza identità tipiche dei saloni delle maisons degli anni '50, sono diventate delle vere icone e come tali veicolano in maniera esponenziale l'attenzione dello spettatore verso un particolare must-have o un determinato stile. Fu Gianni Versace che le rese grandi captandone l'importanza mediatica e consacrando l'era delle Topmodels, trasformando indossatrici come Naomi Campbel o Cindy Crawford in delle muse ispiratrici senza tempo.
Oggi Vogue ne celebra non solo la bellezza (essenziale) ma anche l'attitude e il loro grande contributo creativo individuale in una sorta di catalogo fotografico che le immortala e le racconta da Lisa Fonssagrives ad Agyness, da Claudia a Karen Elson.
Le più affascinanti e seducenti donne delle riviste e dei redcarpet saranno le protagoniste di "The faces of Fashion: VOGUE MODEL.", scritto dal direttore creativo di Vogue UK Robin Derrick e in uscita il 7 ottobre 2010.
Lo devo assolutamente avere! E dato che il 14 ottobre sarà il mio compleanno...me lo regalerò!

Now that you mentioned i figured out that i never realized that change, And yeah being a model before was like a Maniquee only to show sombody outfit's design but now being a model is more than a clothing presentation. so true :D
follow me @ http://jonathonfashionvictim.blogspot.com
Exatly Jon! Models today gives no only their body but also personality, soul and love for what they are doing! Priceless!
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