Frankie Morello Brand meets an artist for a really creative project! Andrew Yang, known for her dolls dressed in haute couture, this time has made in his studio in the Brooklyn, 25 limited edition dolls that take on the most significant items in the collection Women Frankie Morello fall/winter 2010/2011, called The Kouklitas. The protagonist of this army of dolls is Mirian Morello (owner of a Facebook profile and a personal blog where she writes of her travels around Europe).
Sewn and hand painted, this doll does not miss anything and wearing clothes of elegant and refined fabric as a real fashion victim.
A really funny and cool idea!
Save the date: from September 24th to 30th you'll see the fantastic Frankie Morello's Dolls at his mega store in Corso Mateotti 3, Milan.
Don't miss it!
Sewn and hand painted, this doll does not miss anything and wearing clothes of elegant and refined fabric as a real fashion victim.
A really funny and cool idea!
Save the date: from September 24th to 30th you'll see the fantastic Frankie Morello's Dolls at his mega store in Corso Mateotti 3, Milan.
Don't miss it!

Il brand Frankie Morello incontra l’artista Andrew Yang per un progetto davvero creativo! Conosciuto per le sue bambole vestite con capi d’alta moda, Andrew Yang questa volta ha realizzato nel suo studio di Brooklyn le Kouklitas, 25 bambole in limited edition che vestiranno i capi più significativi della collezione womenwear Frankie Morello fall/winter 2010/2011.
La protagonista di questo esercito di bambole è Mirian Morello (posseditrìce non solo di un suo profilo facebook ma anche di un blog personale dove scrive dei suoi viaggi in giro per l'Europa).
Completamente cucita, imbottita e dipinta a mano, questa bambola non si fa mancare davvero nulla ed indossa eleganti outfits dai raffinati tessuti, proprio come una vera fashion victim.
Un'idea davvero divertente!
Save the date: dal 24 al 30 settembre le Morello's dolls saranno messe in mostra preso il megastore di Frankie Morello in Corso Matetotti 3, Milano.
Don't miss it!

i love your blog! :)
Thanks hon! ;)
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