From Sept. 25th, in the cosmopolitan London, at Victoria & Albert Museum will be shown an important part of the history of theater and dance: "Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes".
This temporary exhibition (from September 25th to January 9th, 2010) explores the world of most interesting company of the twentieth century through the reformist and avant-garde vision of Serge Diaghilev, who collaborated with very important personalities with the same unconventional visions as the composer Stravinsky, cubist painter Picasso, Coco Chanel, Nijinsky, helping to influence not only the theater but also the fashion and design.
The exhibition shows over 300 pieces of original costumes, set designs, clothing belonging to the great peolple, props and posters signed by artists like George Braque and Natalia Goncharova, all testifying the great cultural and social contribution this company gave during great social and political upheavals in a pre-revolutionary Russia, but did dream the rest of Europe with its myth of the exotic and the search for imaginative Arabian Nights.
Coinciding with the inauguration of the exhibition, in support of the attention that this exposure has about fashion and lifestyle, will be distributed the movie that closed the Cannes Film Festival in 2009 "Coco & Igor Stravinsky", directed by Jan Kounen with costumes by Chattoune and Fab; movie tells the love story of Madamoiselle with the Russian composer, met in Paris in 1913 to the mise-en-scène of the Ballets Russes' masterwork: Le Sacre du Printemps.
The exhibition shows over 300 pieces of original costumes, set designs, clothing belonging to the great peolple, props and posters signed by artists like George Braque and Natalia Goncharova, all testifying the great cultural and social contribution this company gave during great social and political upheavals in a pre-revolutionary Russia, but did dream the rest of Europe with its myth of the exotic and the search for imaginative Arabian Nights.
Coinciding with the inauguration of the exhibition, in support of the attention that this exposure has about fashion and lifestyle, will be distributed the movie that closed the Cannes Film Festival in 2009 "Coco & Igor Stravinsky", directed by Jan Kounen with costumes by Chattoune and Fab; movie tells the love story of Madamoiselle with the Russian composer, met in Paris in 1913 to the mise-en-scène of the Ballets Russes' masterwork: Le Sacre du Printemps.

Dal 25 settembre, nella cosmopolita Londra, presso il Victorian & Albert Museum sarà in mostra un'importante parte della storia del teatro e della danza: "Diaghilev and the golden age of the Ballets Russes". Questa esposizione temporanea (dal 25 settembre al 9 gennaio 2010) esplora il mondo della compagnia più interessante del ventesimo secolo attraverso la visione riformatrice e avanguardista di Serge Diaghilev che collaborò con importanti personalità dalle visioni altrettanto anticonformiste come il compositore Stravinsky, il pittore cubista Picasso, Coco Chanel, Nijinsky, contribuendo ad influenzare non solo il teatro ma anche la moda e il design.
L'esposizione mette in mostra più di 300 pezzi tra costumi di scena originali, scenografie, abiti appartenuti ai grandi del teatro, oggetti di scena e manifesti che portano la firma di artisti come George Braque e Natalia Goncharova, tutto a testimonianza del grande apporto culturale e sociale che diede questa compagnia in un momento di grandi sconvolgimenti sociali e politici in una Russia dalle tinte pre-rivoluzionarie, ma che fece sognare il resto d'Europa grazie al suo mito dell'esotico e la ricerca di immaginari da mille e una notte.
In concomitanza con l'innaugurazione della mostra, a supporto dell'attenzione che questa esposizione serba nei confronti di moda e costume, sarà distribuito il film che ha chiuso il Festival del Cinema di Cannes nel 2009 "Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky", diretto da Jan Kounen con i costumi di Chattoune e Fab, che narra la storia d'amore di Madamoiselle con il compositore russo, incontratesi a Parigi nel 1913 alla mise-en-scène dell'opera simbolo dei Balletti Russi: Le sacre du printemps.

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