Ok! Fabulous performer Lady Gaga is pushing toward limits that only the great Madonna has overcome, maybe. In less than two years this newyorker girl pass by rising star of music, to super popstar, to fashion icon, to creative director of Polaroid and now to professional model.
In a few months she gained respect of prestigious griffes and featurings with the great headings of fashion journalism, that contend her month by month.
After iD Magazine, Rolling Stone, Playboy, OUT, NEO2, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Blackbook and the latest Vanity Fair, Gaga makes bis with a second apparition on V Magazine's cover, one of the most followed fashion magazine.
On #67 number "The New York Issue" she appears with the lucky designer Marc Jacobs (creative director of Louis Vuitton maison) in a triple covers, photographed by Mario Testino but with cover graphics by three different artists: Spencer Sweeney, Dan Colen and Nate Lowman.
Gaga in this photoshoot appears (as always semi-naked) like the Statue of liberty as a clear allusion to the american pop culture. Stephen Gan, Editor-in-chief of V magazine, has introduced the photoshoot concept explaining the why of this choice:
"Just as the Statue of Liberty was France's gift to America, Gaga is, to us, New York's greatest gift to pop culture and fashion. She embodies everything V is about, and is also a beacon of the city's creativity and hope. Exactly one year after her first V cover (the first fashion magazine cover she was on), we decided to do The New York issue, and she was the first person who came to mind to represent our great city. In the year that's passed, she has become a bonafide genius and we can safely declare her our muse. Above all, a New York issue should celebrate people who've done great things. We at V are grateful Gaga came along to put the New back in New York!"
We understood to play with the personality of this popicon can be very stimulating, and if to the beginning we looked her with some doubt, today we can only admit that Gaga will make history.
Netx time on Vogue's cover?! Stay tuned!
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After iD Magazine, Rolling Stone, Playboy, OUT, NEO2, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Blackbook and the latest Vanity Fair, Gaga makes bis with a second apparition on V Magazine's cover, one of the most followed fashion magazine.
On #67 number "The New York Issue" she appears with the lucky designer Marc Jacobs (creative director of Louis Vuitton maison) in a triple covers, photographed by Mario Testino but with cover graphics by three different artists: Spencer Sweeney, Dan Colen and Nate Lowman.
Gaga in this photoshoot appears (as always semi-naked) like the Statue of liberty as a clear allusion to the american pop culture. Stephen Gan, Editor-in-chief of V magazine, has introduced the photoshoot concept explaining the why of this choice:
"Just as the Statue of Liberty was France's gift to America, Gaga is, to us, New York's greatest gift to pop culture and fashion. She embodies everything V is about, and is also a beacon of the city's creativity and hope. Exactly one year after her first V cover (the first fashion magazine cover she was on), we decided to do The New York issue, and she was the first person who came to mind to represent our great city. In the year that's passed, she has become a bonafide genius and we can safely declare her our muse. Above all, a New York issue should celebrate people who've done great things. We at V are grateful Gaga came along to put the New back in New York!"
We understood to play with the personality of this popicon can be very stimulating, and if to the beginning we looked her with some doubt, today we can only admit that Gaga will make history.
Netx time on Vogue's cover?! Stay tuned!

Ok! Lady Gaga, favoloso animale da palcoscenico, si sta spingendo verso limiti che forse solo la grande Madonna ha superato. In poco più di un paio di anni questa ragazza newyorkese è sbalzata da stella nascente della musica, a super popstar, a icona della moda ed ora a modella professionista. In una manciata di mesi si è guadagnata la stima di prestigiose case di moda e collaborazioni con le grandi testate del giornalismo, le quali se la contendono di mensilità in mensilità.
Dopo ID Magazine, Rolling Stone, Playboy, OUT, NEO2, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Blackbook e la recensittima Vanity Fair, Gaga fa il bis con una seconda apparizione su V Magazine, uno dei giornali di nicchia più seguito.
Il 67° numero "The New York Issue" la ritrae in una tripla copertina insieme al fortunato designer Marc Jacobs (direttore creativo della maison Louis Vuitton), fotografati da Mario Testino ma con la grafica di tre differenti artisti: Spencer Sweeney, Dan Colen e Nate Lowman.
Gaga in questo photoshoot appare, come sempre semi nuda, nei panni della Statua della libertà come un chiaro riferimento alla cultura Pop americana. Lo stesso Stephen Gan, Editor-in-chief del magazine, ha presentato il concept spiegando il perché di questa scelta:
"Come la Statua della Libertà è stata un regalo francese all’America, così Lady Gaga, per noi, è il più grande regalo di New York alla cultura pop e alla moda. Lei rappresenta tutto ciò di cui parla V, ed è anche il faro della città della creatività e della speranza. Esattamente un anno dopo la prima cover di V (la prima dove ci fu lei), noi abbiamo deciso di fare la New York Issue, e lei è stata la prima persona che ci è venuta in mente per rappresentare questa grande città. Nell’anno che è passato, lei è diventata un vero genio e noi possiamo dichiarare con sicurezza che è la nostra musa. Soprattutto, la New York Issue vuole celebrare le persone che hanno fatto grandi cose. Noi di V siamo grati a Lady Gaga, che è arrivata a riportare New in New York."
Abbiamo capito che giocare con la personalità di questa iconapop può essere davvero stimolante, e se all'inizio la si guardava con un certo dubbio, oggi possiamo solo riconoscere che Gaga farà storia.
Netx time on Vogue's cover?! Stay tuned!
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