Tom Ford signed his return to the forefront of the fashion system. Ok! be quiet and maintain a decent appearance to hide our deep happiness to know such a good news. The real breath of fresh air in latest times. After his rise to fame as Gucci's creative director, after leaving a huge void in the international fashionweeks, having shocked the world (a bit bigot) with the super erotic advertising campaign for his eyewear and fragrances labels, having competed with great success in filmmaking, the sexy-Ford back to talk to him about two important news. The first one, as my post-debut, is his return to the design by creating his own collection, presented with an artfully orchestrated event in NY, in the presence of a selected group of fashion editors and with the participation of international stars such as Julianne Moore, Byonce, Rita Wilson. American Vogue, who has won the exclusive preview of the collection, showed it in the December issue. To ensure the photoshoot was Terry Richardson (the only photographer invited to the presentation-event), which has captured a series of clothes that have nothing to envy to those which Ford designed for Gucci. According to statements by the designer, his creations for Gucci were too "trendy" and for this collection has decided to focus on concept of individuality. Real clothes for real women, which can be worn by women of all ages. To enjoy his return to wait until the next spring because Ford decided to grant to the press a small part of his latest work, challenging the media pressure played with so much advance.
The second one, last but not least, is the rediscovered artistic partnership between Ford and Carine Roitfeld (Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Paris), already winning duo in the '90s. To consolidate this meeting, Carine has appointed Tom as guest editor of the magazine and with him edited the December issue.
What's more, the eclectic Ford has comunicated to be working on his new movie, a comedy, which is writing the screenplay.
Welcome back Mr. Ford!
The second one, last but not least, is the rediscovered artistic partnership between Ford and Carine Roitfeld (Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Paris), already winning duo in the '90s. To consolidate this meeting, Carine has appointed Tom as guest editor of the magazine and with him edited the December issue.
What's more, the eclectic Ford has comunicated to be working on his new movie, a comedy, which is writing the screenplay.
Welcome back Mr. Ford!
Update: A rumor that runs a few days ago says that Mr. Ford is agreed on a collaboration with the Swedish giant H&M. Will this be true?

Vogue America, che si è aggiudicata l'anteprima esclusiva della collection, ne darà visione nel numero di dicembre. A curarne la fotografia è stato Terry Richardson (unico fotografo invitato alla presentazione-evento), che ha immortalato una serie di abiti che non hanno nulla da invidiare a quelli che Ford disegnò per Gucci. Stando alle dichiarazioni del designer, le sue creazioni per Gucci furono eccessivamente "trendy" mentre per questa collezione ha scelto di incentrare il concept moda sull'individualità. Vestiti veri per donne vere, che possono essere indossati da donne di tutte le età. Per ammirare il frutto del suo ritorno bisognerà attendere la prossima estate, dato che Ford ha deciso di concedere alla stampa una minima parte del suo lavoro, contestando la pressione dei media messa in atto con così tanto anticipo.
La seconda notizia, non meno interessante, è quella del riscoperto sodalizio artistico tra Ford e Carine Roitfeld (Editor-in-Chief di Vogue Paris), già duo vincente nei '90s. Per consolidare questo ritrovo, Carine ha nominato Tom guest editor del magazine e ha curato con lui il numero di dicembre.
Come se non bastasse, l'eclettico Ford ha reso noto di essere a lavoro con un nuovo film, questa volta una commedia, di cui sta scrivendo la sceneggiatura.
Welcome Back Mr. Ford!

Finally back! Grazie Marzio per l'eccitante e gioiosa novella:)
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