Australia seems to be the crib of the best emergent fashion photographers, at least that's the feeling I had making a research about young names that are emerging with their first collaborations with national indipendent magazines and webzine.
In my search of strong images, that expresses to the best a distinguishing concept, I run across many photographers would be interesting to know and I will "present" them on my blog time by time.
After splendid australian atmospheres of Amber Toms, it's the turn of another young guy with a great photographic sensibility: Daniel Luxford.
Daniel is native of Perth and he's a self taught photographer, with his skateborad runs the city and he has learned to capture everything beautiful and unordinary there is about metropolitan vision of reality. Turning for streets he has developed his personal aesthetical sensibility and a particular attitude to bring out the beauty in his subjects that, at first sight, may seem trivial but on the contrary tell our reality through Daniel's emotions.
His professional "debut" dates back to 2007 when he was given his first photoshoot for an editorial, after which he moved to London to assist two internationally renowned fashion photographers as Jonas Bresnan and Victor de Mello.
Today Daniel is based in Melborne and worked with many australian fashion labels, but he's also working to export his quality work overseas too.
In my search of strong images, that expresses to the best a distinguishing concept, I run across many photographers would be interesting to know and I will "present" them on my blog time by time.
After splendid australian atmospheres of Amber Toms, it's the turn of another young guy with a great photographic sensibility: Daniel Luxford.
Daniel is native of Perth and he's a self taught photographer, with his skateborad runs the city and he has learned to capture everything beautiful and unordinary there is about metropolitan vision of reality. Turning for streets he has developed his personal aesthetical sensibility and a particular attitude to bring out the beauty in his subjects that, at first sight, may seem trivial but on the contrary tell our reality through Daniel's emotions.
His professional "debut" dates back to 2007 when he was given his first photoshoot for an editorial, after which he moved to London to assist two internationally renowned fashion photographers as Jonas Bresnan and Victor de Mello.
Today Daniel is based in Melborne and worked with many australian fashion labels, but he's also working to export his quality work overseas too.
Hot stuff, guys! Follow him 'cause he has something to communicate, sure!

Dopo le splendide citazioni australiane della fotografia di Amber Toms, è il turno di un altro giovane dalla grande sensibilità fotografica: Daniel Luxford.
Daniel è originario di Perth ed è un fotografo utodidatta che, grazie al suo skateboard col quale si muove nella città, ha imparato a catturare tutto ciò che di più bello e di meno scontato c'è nella visione metropolitana della realtà. Girando per le strade ha sviluppato una sua personale sensibilità estetica ed una particolare attitudine nel rivelare la bellezza nei suoi soggetti che, ad una prima occhiata, potrebbero sembrare banali ma che al contrario raccontano la nostra realtà attraverso le sue emozioni.
Il suo esordio risale al 2007 quando gli fu affidato il suo primo photoshoot per un editoriale, dopo il quale si trasferì a Londra per assistere due fotografi rinomati come Jonas Bresnan e Victor de Mello.
Oggi, Daniel vive a Melborne e collabora con moltissime fashion labels australiane, ma sta lavorando per esportare il suo lavoro di qualità anche oltre oceano.
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
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